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The Cellnex Foundation responds to Cellnex Telecom's firm will to go one step further in contributing to a better connected and socially inclusive environment as a comprehensive initiative that  complements the company's ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) strategy. The idea behind the Foundation is to create a dynamic tool at the service of people, helping to transform personal and collective situations of vulnerability while contributing to improving the  environment. The Foundation's main fields of action will involve bringing people at risk of exclusion closer to technology by promoting effective connectivity, fostering better connections in territories and areas with special heritage or historical relevance, and promoting positive solutions for the environment.                                                         

The three pillars of the Foundation

The Foundation’s flagship programme seeks to “improve connectivity” and bring technology closer to rural areas to mitigate the needs derived from the territorial, social and digital divide.

These are programmes led in partnership with other public or private bodies or institutions to respond to specific needs consistent with Cellnex’s activity.

The existing Cellnex Volunteer Programme is integrated into the Cellnex Foundation. It involves employees and former employees of the company in corporate volunteering initiatives aligned with the Foundation’s strategic lines. Special emphasis is placed on accompanying people and improving the environment.

The Foundation’s flagship programme seeks to “improve connectivity” and bring technology closer to rural areas to mitigate the needs derived from the territorial, social and digital divide.

These are programmes led in partnership with other public or private bodies or institutions to respond to specific needs consistent with Cellnex’s activity.

The existing Cellnex Volunteer Programme is integrated into the Cellnex Foundation. It involves employees and former employees of the company in corporate volunteering initiatives aligned with the Foundation’s strategic lines. Special emphasis is placed on accompanying people and improving the environment.