Success Case
ARTUS 1: Test Environments for Connected Mobility
Latest Innovations
The Primary Project Test Environments for Connected Mobility (PP16: ETMC – Exp. VEC 020100-2022-212) focuses mainly on the verification and validation processes associated with the MCISIC (Connected, Intelligent, Secure, Inclusive and Collaborative Mobility), being its main objective to investigate the new technologies and functionalities that electric and connected vehicles will incorporate in the future, and the devising of new test environments, procedures and protocols that allow establishing the necessary tests to make this new paradigm of the MCISIC a reality.
The actions to be carried out in this project focus mainly on the investigation of the technological evolution that the electric and connected vehicle will undergo in the coming years, which will be highly conditioned by the technological evolution of connectivity systems and networks. communication, as well as the ideation of technological solutions for cutting-edge laboratories and testing environments, and the acquisition of the necessary know-how in order to provide new testing services. In this sense, with the creation of the network of laboratories based on this project, it is expected that Spain will be able to position itself in a key way in this type of market, which is expected to reach a significant volume in the coming years.
These laboratories must be prepared to test, both individually and in their relationship with the other components of the ecosystem, the products made by a very wide range of HW, SW, sensor manufacturers… in addition to protocols, algorithms and other pieces in other formats.
Thanks to the financing of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, endowed with the NextGenerationEU Recovery Fund of the European Union, Tradia Telecom, a company of the Cellnex Telecom group, participates in the project leading the definition of the technological architecture of the new test environments, procedures and protocols that allow establishing the necessary tests to make this new MCISIC paradigm a reality.
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