In an ever-changing world, establishing strong and lasting relationships with our suppliers is key to achieving Cellnex’s goals.
Telecommunications are changing the way we connect with the world around us. To be able to respond to the needs of the market, the collaboration of our suppliers is of vital importance.
That is why we consider our suppliers as partners, with whom we build, hand in hand, the telecom solutions of the present and the future.
Cellnex suppliers must share our values and commitment to society and the environment. We periodically evaluate the degree of sustainability of our suppliers, as well as their impact on climate change.
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Areas of opportunity
Telecom infrastructure installation and maintenance services
Engineering services for the deployment and maintenance of telecom networks
Data communication equipment (Datacenters)
Telecom network terminals and accessories
Equipment for IoT networks, SmartCities and critical networks
Fibre-optic equipment
Network transmitters
Air conditioning equipment
Power stations
Sustainable procurement
- Ecovadis
At Cellnex we integrate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) aspects into our strategy, but also in the supply chain. We periodically carry out ESG assessments of our suppliers together with our partner Ecovadis.
For certain ESG high-impact commodities and amounts, we ask suppliers to complete an ESG questionnaire (the ESG matrix) available at this link. The evaluation accounts for 5-15% of the total score in selecting suppliers.
In addition, we are part of CDP and ask our suppliers to disclose information about their impact on climate change, carbon footprint and the environment.
In 2025, Cellnex is participating in the UN Global Compact’s Sustainable Suppliers training program. This free and exclusive program, developed with UN Global Compact Spain and UK networks, ICEX Spain Export and Investments, and ICO Foundation, is a unique opportunity for our suppliers to contribute to a more sustainable future.
CDP is a not-for-profit organisation that manages one of the world’s leading global disclosure systems for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their impact on the environment. Cellnex is considered by CDP to be one of the top ten
Spanish companies combatting climate change.
This would not be possible without the help of our suppliers. That is why Cellnex participates in the CDP Supply Chain, which evaluates our suppliers’ level of impact on climate change.
Sustainability is a central and indiscernible element of Cellnex’s corporate strategy. Cellnex conducts its business responsibly and in accordance with a series of principles and values, which it also wants to pass on to its stakeholders, especially its supply chain. To that end, we have developed a sustainable procurement policy that involves a series of mandatory requirements in terms of social, business and environmental integrity.
We have selected the external company EcoVadis, which combines Corporate Social Responsibility expertise with online tools enabling our suppliers to save time and
resources in sustainability assessment and annual reporting with:
- A confidential and efficient questionnaire and professional analysis of results
- A scorecard (which can also be shared with other customers)
- Tools to assess and improve your business practices
Other support documentation
Cellnex provides all interested parties with a list of direct and indirect environmental aspects as well as the corresponding environmental risks.
This document informs contractors about the necessary environmental management requirements to consider in their work with us.
Suppliers must apply the necessary precautionary measures in order to prevent negative environmental impact while working for us, and, in case there was any incident, they will apply all the necessary corrective measures to solve it.
Cellnex has a set of requirements regarding the coordination of business activities in terms of Occupational Risk Prevention between Cellnex and its Civil Work and Services providers, so as to comply with the Law of Occupational Risk Prevention and other regulations that complement it.
Cellnex has a set of requirements regarding the coordination of business activities in terms of Occupational Risk Prevention between Cellnex and its Civil Work and Services providers, so as to comply with the Law of Occupational Risk Prevention and other regulations that complement it.
Cellnex provides all interested parties with a list of Specific Occupational Risks in the sites where there are people working.