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Shareholders Investors



TypeFecha última revisiónLargo PlazoPerspectiva
Fitch Ratings07/02/2024BBB-Estable
Standard & Poor’s 05/03/2024BBB-Estable
Ambas agencias aplican un signo (+) o (-) a cada categoría genérica de calificación para indicar la posición relativa dentro de cada categoría. Las equivalencias de las escalas de calificación de deuda a largo empleadas por dichas agencias son las siguientes:
Fitch RatingsMeaning
Investment grade
AAAHighest credit quality
AAVery high credit quality
AHigh credit quality
BBBGood credit quality
Speculative grade
BHighly speculative
CCCSubstantial credit risk
CCVery high levels of credit risk
CNear default
RDRestricted default
Standard & Poor’sMeaning
Investment grade
AAAExtremely strong capacity to meet financial commitments
AA Very strong capacity to meet financial commitments
A Strong capacity to meet financial commitments, but somewhat susceptible to economic conditions and changes in circumstances
BBB Adequate capacity to meet financial commitments, but more subject to adverse economic conditions
Speculative grade
BB Less vulnerable in the near-term but faces major ongoing uncertainties to adverse business, financial and economic conditions
B More vulnerable to adverse business, financial and economic conditions but currently has the capacity to meet financial commitments
CCC Currently vulnerable and dependent on favorable business, financial and economic conditions to meet financial commitments
CC Highly vulnerable; default has not yet occurred, but is expected to be a virtual certainty
CCurrently highly vulnerable to non-payment, and ultimate recovery is expected to be lower than that of higher rated obligations
D Payment default on a financial commitment or breach of an imputed promise; also used when a bankruptcy petition has been filed

Estas calificaciones pueden ser revisadas, suspendidas o retiradas por la entidad calificadora en cualquier momento.

Fecha última revisiónLargo PlazoPerspectiva
Fitch Ratings15/01/2024BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings02/02/2023BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings17/01/2023BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings19/01/2022BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings04/03/2021BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings 15/04/2020BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings12/11/2019BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings09/05/2019BBB-Negativo
Fitch Ratings05/10/2018BBB-Negativo
Fitch Ratings13/10/2017BBB-Negativo
Fitch Ratings26/05/2017BBB-Negativo
Fitch Ratings03/02/2017BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings02/11/2016BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings20/05/2016BBB-Estable
Fitch Ratings20/07/2015BBB-Estable
Standard & Poor’s25/04/2023BB+Positiva
Standard & Poor’s11/11/2022BB+Positiva
Standard & Poor’s25/03/2022BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s17/11/2020BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s15/09/2020BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s13/01/2020BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s11/10/2019BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s12/07/2019BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s25/06/2018BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s31/05/2017BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s02/11/2016BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s29/06/2016BB+Estable
Standard & Poor’s27/07/2015BB+Positiva
Fitch Ratings Meaning
Investment grade
AAAHighest credit quality
AAVery high credit quality
AHigh credit quality
BBBGood credit quality
Speculative grade
BHighly speculative
CCCSubstantial credit risk
CCVery high levels of credit risk
CNear default
DDDRetrasos en pagos
DDPocas posibilidades de pagos
DPocas posibilidades de pagos
Standard & Poor’s Meaning
Investment grade
AAAExtremely strong capacity to meet financial commitments
AAVery strong capacity to meet financial commitments
AStrong capacity to meet financial commitments, but somewhat susceptible to economic conditions and changes in circumstances
BBBAdequate capacity to meet financial commitments, but more subject to adverse economic conditions
Speculative grade
BBLess vulnerable in the near-term but faces major ongoing uncertainties to adverse business, financial and economic conditions
BMore vulnerable to adverse business, financial and economic conditions but currently has the capacity to meet financial commitments
CCCCurrently vulnerable and dependent on favorable business, financial and economic conditions to meet financial commitments
CCHighly vulnerable; default has not yet occurred, but is expected to be a virtual certainty
CCurrently highly vulnerable to non-payment, and ultimate recovery is expected to be lower than that of higher rated obligations
DPayment default on a financial commitment or breach of an imputed promise; also used when a bankruptcy petition has been filed

Estas calificaciones pueden ser revisadas, suspendidas o retiradas por la entidad calificadora en cualquier momento.

Programas de deuda

Fecha de emisiónEmisorNominal(M)DivisaVencimientoCupón%Periodicidad CupónCódigo ISINCondiciones finales
24/05/2024Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U750EUR24/01/20293,625%AnualXS2826616596 Icon Image Icon Image
11/08/2023Cellnex Telecom, S.A.1.000EUR11/08/20302,125AnualXS2597741102 Icon Image Icon Image
24/05/2024Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U750EUR24/01/20293,625%AnualXS2826616596 Icon Image Icon Image
24/05/2024Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U750EUR24/01/20293,625%AnualXS2826616596 Icon Image Icon Image
12/04/2022Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.1.000EUR12/04/2026 2,25AnualXS2465792294 Icon Image Icon Image
15/09/2021Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.1.000EUR15/09/20271AnualXS2385393405 Icon Image Icon Image
15/09/2021Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.850EUR15/09/20322AnualXS2385393587 Icon Image Icon Image
07/07/2021Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.600USD07/07/20413,875Semi-AnualRULE 144A CUSIP/ISIN: 15118J AA3 / US15118JAA34 REGULATION S CUSIP/ISIN: E2943J AA7 / USE2943JAA72 Icon Image Icon Image
08/06/2021Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.1.000EUR08/06/20281,5AnualXS2348237871 Icon Image Icon Image
26/03/2021Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.150CHF26/03/20260,935AnualCH1104885954 Icon Image Icon Image
15/02/2021Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.500EUR15/11/20260,75AnualXS2300292617 Icon Image Icon Image
15/02/2021Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.750EUR15/01/20291,25AnualXS2300292963 Icon Image Icon Image
15/02/2021Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.1.250EUR15/02/20332,00AnualXS2300293003 Icon Image Icon Image
20/11/2020Cellnex Telecom, S.A.1.500EUR20/11/20310,75AnualXS2257580857 Icon Image Icon Image
23/10/2020Cellnex Telecom, S.A.1.000EUR23/10/20301,75AnualXS2247549731 Icon Image Icon Image
26/06/2020Cellnex Telecom, S.A.750EUR26/06/20291,875AnualXS2193658619 Icon Image Icon Image
17/07/2020Cellnex Telecom, S.A.100CHF17/07/20251,1175AnualCH0555837753 Icon Image Icon Image
18/02/2020Cellnex Telecom, S.A.185CHF18/02/20270,775AnualCH0506071148 Icon Image Icon Image
20/01/2020Cellnex Telecom, S.A.450EUR20/04/20271AnualXS2102934697 Icon Image Icon Image
31/07/2019Cellnex Telecom, S.A.60,5EUR31/07/20291,9AnualXS2034980479 Icon Image Icon Image
05/07/2019Cellnex Telecom, S.A.850EUR05/07/20280.5AnualXS2021212332 Icon Image Icon Image
03/08/2017Cellnex Telecom, S.A.60EUR03/08/2027FRNSemi-AnualXS1657934714 Icon Image Icon Image
07/04/2017Cellnex Telecom, S.A.80EUR07/04/2026FRNSemi-AnualXS1592492125 Icon Image Icon Image
18/01/2017 & 26/06/2020Cellnex Telecom, S.A.335 & 165EUR18/04/20252,875AnualXS1551726810 Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
16/12/2016Cellnex Telecom, S.A.65EUR20/12/20323,875AnualXS1538787497 Icon Image Icon Image
Fecha de emisiónDivisaDocumentoFolleto baseSuplemento
17/06/2020EUREuro-Commercial Paper Programme Icon Image Icon Image
14/05/2020EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
06/06/2019EUREuro-Commercial Paper Programme Icon Image Icon Image
17/05/2019EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
17/05/2019EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
06/06/2018EUREuro-Commercial Paper Programme Icon Image Icon Image
22/05/2018EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image
31/10/2017Documento de Registro Universal Icon Image Icon Image
18/05/2017EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
18/05/2016EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
14/05/2015EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
28/07/2023Informe de Consejo de Administración sobre Bonos Convertibles Icon Image Icon Image
06/11/2020Informe del Auditor sobre Bonos Convertibles Icon Image Icon Image
03/11/2020Informe del Consejo de Administración sobre Bonos Convertibles Icon Image Icon Image
25/06/2019Informe del Auditor sobre Bonos Convertibles Icon Image Icon Image
20/06/2019Informe del Consejo de Administración sobre Bonos Convertibles Icon Image Icon Image
08/01/2019Informe del Auditor sobre Bonos Convertibles Icon Image Icon Image
07/01/2019Informe del Consejo de Administración sobre Bonos Convertibles Icon Image Icon Image
09/01/2018Informe del Auditor sobre Bonos Convertibles Icon Image Icon Image
05/01/2018Informe del Consejo de Administración sobre Bonos Convertibles Icon Image Icon Image
14/05/2020Deed of Covenant Icon Image Icon Image
14/05/2020Programme Manual Icon Image Icon Image
14/05/2020Fiscal Agency Agreement Icon Image Icon Image
14/05/2020ICSD Agreement Icon Image Icon Image
Cellnex Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework Second-Party Opinion 2023Junio 2023 Icon Image Icon Image
Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework 2023Junio 2023 Icon Image Icon Image
Cellnex Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework Second-Party Opinion 2022Marzo 2022 Icon Image Icon Image
Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework 2022Marzo 2022 Icon Image Icon Image
Cellnex Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework Second-Party OpinionEnero 2022 Icon Image Icon Image
Sustainability-Linked Financing FrameworkEnero 2022 Icon Image Icon Image

Cellnex Finance Company

La creación de Cellnex Finance Company – como empresa filial al 100% de Cellnex Telecom -, es un reflejo del gran crecimiento que ha experimentado el Grupo Cellnex desde su salida a Bolsa en 2015. También de la creciente dimensión y complejidad de sus sistemas de gestión y de los indicadores tanto financieros como no financieros que dan cuenta de la realidad del Grupo.

La misión de Cellnex Finance Company es la de llevar a cabo actividades de financiación o apoyo financiero a favor de sociedades del grupo mediante, entre otros, la realización de emisiones de obligaciones, suscripción de instrumentos de financiación bancaria así como la gestión, optimización y canalización de los recursos monetarios de las sociedades del Grupo.

Fecha de emisiónEmisorNominal (M)DivisaVencimientoCupón %Periodicidad CupónCódigo ISINCondiciones finales
24/05/2024Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.750EUR24/01/20293,625AnualXS2826616596 Icon Image Icon Image
12/04/2022Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U.1.000EUR12/04/20262,25AnualXS2465792294 Icon Image Icon Image
15/09/2021 Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U. 1.000EUR15/09/2027 1AnualXS2385393405 Icon Image Icon Image
15/09/2021 Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U. 850EUR15/09/2032 2AnualXS2385393587 Icon Image Icon Image
07/07/2021 Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U. 600USD07/07/2041 3,875Semi-Anual RULE 144A CUSIP/ISIN: 15118J AA3 / US15118JAA34 REGULATION S CUSIP/ISIN: E2943J AA7 / USE2943JAA72 Icon Image Icon Image
08/06/2021 Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U. 1.000EUR08/06/2028 1,5AnualXS2348237871 Icon Image Icon Image
26/03/2021 Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U. 150CHF26/03/2026 0,935 AnualCH1104885954 Icon Image Icon Image
15/02/2021 Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U. 500EUR15/11/2026 0,75AnualXS2300292617 Icon Image Icon Image
15/02/2021 Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U. 750EUR15/01/2029 1,25AnualXS2300292963 Icon Image Icon Image
15/02/2021 Cellnex Finance Company S.A.U. 1.250EUR15/02/2033 2,00AnualXS2300293003 Icon Image Icon Image
Fecha de emisiónDivisaDocumentoFolleto baseSuplemento
27/10/2023EUREuro Commercial Paper Programme Icon Image Icon Image
09/08/2023EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
20/07/2022EUREuro Commercial Paper Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
13/07/2022EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
14/12/2021EUREuro-Commercial Paper Programme Icon Image Icon Image
03/08/2021EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image Icon Image
03/12/2020EUREuro Medium Term Note Programme Icon Image Icon Image
09/08/2023Escritura del convenio Icon Image Icon Image
09/08/2023Escritura de garantía Icon Image Icon Image
09/08/2023Manual del programa Icon Image Icon Image
09/08/2023Acuerdo de la Agencia Fiscal Icon Image Icon Image
13/07/2022Escritura del convenio Icon Image Icon Image
13/07/2022Escritura de garantía Icon Image Icon Image
13/07/2022Manual del programa Icon Image Icon Image
13/07/2022Acuerdo de la Agencia Fiscal Icon Image Icon Image
03/08/2021Acuerdo de ICSD Icon Image Icon Image
Estatutos Sociales Cellnex Finance Company Icon Image Icon Image
Cuentas Anuales Cellnex Finance Company 2023 Icon Image Icon Image
Cuentas Anuales Cellnex Finance Company 2022 Icon Image Icon Image
Cuentas Anuales Cellnex Finance Company 2021 Icon Image Icon Image
Cuentas Anuales Cellnex Finance Company 2020 Icon Image Icon Image
16/05/2024La compañía remite información sobre la emisión de un bono Icon Document Icon Document
31/03/2022Cellnex Finance, filial íntegramente participada por Cellnex Telecom, ha completado con éxito la fijación del precio de una emisión de bonos denominados en euros por un importe de 1.000 millones de euros Icon Image Icon Image
04/11/2021Estado miembro de origen Icon Image Icon Image
25/10/2021Estado miembro de origen Icon Image Icon Image
06/09/2021Cellnex ha completado con éxito la fijación de precio de una emisión de bonos en dos tramos denominados en euros por un importe total de 1.850 millones de euros Icon Image Icon Image
29/06/2021Cellnex Finance ha completado con éxito la fijación del precio de una emisión de un bono denominado en dólares estadounidenses por un importe de 600 millones de dólares Icon Image Icon Image