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Inicio | Relación con inversores | Renta fija y rating
Header0 | Header1 | Header2 | Header3 | |||
Type | Fecha última revisión | Largo Plazo | Perspectiva | |||
Fitch Ratings | 15/01/2025 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 15/01/2025 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Ambas agencias aplican un signo (+) o (-) a cada categoría genérica de calificación para indicar la posición relativa dentro de cada categoría. Las equivalencias de las escalas de calificación de deuda a largo empleadas por dichas agencias son las siguientes: | ||||||
Separator | ||||||
Fitch Ratings | Meaning | |||||
Investment grade | ||||||
AAA | Highest credit quality | |||||
AA | Very high credit quality | |||||
A | High credit quality | |||||
BBB | Good credit quality | |||||
Speculative grade | ||||||
BB | Speculative | |||||
B | Highly speculative | |||||
CCC | Substantial credit risk | |||||
CC | Very high levels of credit risk | |||||
C | Near default | |||||
RD | Restricted default | |||||
D | Default | |||||
Separator | ||||||
Standard & Poor’s | Meaning | |||||
Investment grade | ||||||
AAA | Extremely strong capacity to meet financial commitments | |||||
AA | Very strong capacity to meet financial commitments | |||||
A | Strong capacity to meet financial commitments, but somewhat susceptible to economic conditions and changes in circumstances | |||||
BBB | Adequate capacity to meet financial commitments, but more subject to adverse economic conditions | |||||
Speculative grade | ||||||
BB | Less vulnerable in the near-term but faces major ongoing uncertainties to adverse business, financial and economic conditions | |||||
B | More vulnerable to adverse business, financial and economic conditions but currently has the capacity to meet financial commitments | |||||
CCC | Currently vulnerable and dependent on favorable business, financial and economic conditions to meet financial commitments | |||||
CC | Highly vulnerable; default has not yet occurred, but is expected to be a virtual certainty | |||||
C | Currently highly vulnerable to non-payment, and ultimate recovery is expected to be lower than that of higher rated obligations | |||||
D | Payment default on a financial commitment or breach of an imputed promise; also used when a bankruptcy petition has been filed |
Estas calificaciones pueden ser revisadas, suspendidas o retiradas por la entidad calificadora en cualquier momento.
Header0 | Header1 | Header2 | Header3 | |||
Fecha última revisión | Largo Plazo | Perspectiva | ||||
Fitch Ratings | 07/02/2024 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 15/01/2024 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 02/02/2023 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 17/01/2023 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 19/01/2022 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 04/03/2021 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 15/04/2020 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 12/11/2019 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 09/05/2019 | BBB- | Negativo | |||
Fitch Ratings | 05/10/2018 | BBB- | Negativo | |||
Fitch Ratings | 13/10/2017 | BBB- | Negativo | |||
Fitch Ratings | 26/05/2017 | BBB- | Negativo | |||
Fitch Ratings | 03/02/2017 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 02/11/2016 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 20/05/2016 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Fitch Ratings | 20/07/2015 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 05/03/2024 | BBB- | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 25/04/2023 | BB+ | Positiva | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 11/11/2022 | BB+ | Positiva | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 25/03/2022 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 17/11/2020 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 15/09/2020 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 13/01/2020 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 11/10/2019 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 12/07/2019 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 25/06/2018 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 31/05/2017 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 02/11/2016 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 29/06/2016 | BB+ | Estable | |||
Standard & Poor’s | 27/07/2015 | BB+ | Positiva | |||
Separation | ||||||
Fitch Ratings | Meaning | |||||
Investment grade | ||||||
AAA | Highest credit quality | |||||
AA | Very high credit quality | |||||
A | High credit quality | |||||
BBB | Good credit quality | |||||
Speculative grade | ||||||
BB | Speculative | |||||
B | Highly speculative | |||||
CCC | Substantial credit risk | |||||
CC | Very high levels of credit risk | |||||
C | Near default | |||||
DDD | Retrasos en pagos | |||||
DD | Pocas posibilidades de pagos | |||||
D | Pocas posibilidades de pagos | |||||
Separation | ||||||
Standard & Poor’s | Meaning | |||||
Investment grade | ||||||
AAA | Extremely strong capacity to meet financial commitments | |||||
AA | Very strong capacity to meet financial commitments | |||||
A | Strong capacity to meet financial commitments, but somewhat susceptible to economic conditions and changes in circumstances | |||||
BBB | Adequate capacity to meet financial commitments, but more subject to adverse economic conditions | |||||
Speculative grade | ||||||
BB | Less vulnerable in the near-term but faces major ongoing uncertainties to adverse business, financial and economic conditions | |||||
B | More vulnerable to adverse business, financial and economic conditions but currently has the capacity to meet financial commitments | |||||
CCC | Currently vulnerable and dependent on favorable business, financial and economic conditions to meet financial commitments | |||||
CC | Highly vulnerable; default has not yet occurred, but is expected to be a virtual certainty | |||||
C | Currently highly vulnerable to non-payment, and ultimate recovery is expected to be lower than that of higher rated obligations | |||||
D | Payment default on a financial commitment or breach of an imputed promise; also used when a bankruptcy petition has been filed |
Estas calificaciones pueden ser revisadas, suspendidas o retiradas por la entidad calificadora en cualquier momento.
La creación de Cellnex Finance Company – como empresa filial al 100% de Cellnex Telecom -, es un reflejo del gran crecimiento que ha experimentado el Grupo Cellnex desde su salida a Bolsa en 2015. También de la creciente dimensión y complejidad de sus sistemas de gestión y de los indicadores tanto financieros como no financieros que dan cuenta de la realidad del Grupo.
La misión de Cellnex Finance Company es la de llevar a cabo actividades de financiación o apoyo financiero a favor de sociedades del grupo mediante, entre otros, la realización de emisiones de obligaciones, suscripción de instrumentos de financiación bancaria así como la gestión, optimización y canalización de los recursos monetarios de las sociedades del Grupo.
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