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Notre modèle d’entreprise se concentre sur la gestion neutre et partagée des infrastructures de télécommunications, renforçant ainsi notre engagement pour la durabilité. Nous intégrons les facteurs environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance (ASG) dans notre stratégie, mesurant et gérant notre impact sur la société et l’environnement de manière efficace et responsable.

Nous visons l’amélioration continue de la durabilité et à étendre notre engagement tout au long de notre chaîne de valeur et avec nos groupes de parties prenantes.

Our commitment to stakeholders

At Cellnex we are committed to building solid and transparent relationships with our stakeholders, who are essential to the success of our operations and strategies.

Our stakeholder relationship policy defines a model for Cellnex’s relationship with stakeholders enabling us to incorporate stakeholder expectations into the company’s strategy.

The relationship model ensures that stakeholder engagement is applied consistently throughout Cellnex’s operations and in its interactions with stakeholders throughout the value chain.

The basic principles of stakeholder relations are value creation, open dialogue and active listening, accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement.

Cellnex periodically identifies and prioritises relevant stakeholders, including vulnerable groups, based on their potential impact on the company through context analysis in the double materiality exercise. This process allows us to allocate the necessary resources to engage with them more effectively.



We are dedicated to meeting the needs of our operators and ensuring the highest quality of service.


We value and promote talent within our organization

Investors, shareholders and ratings

We are committed to providing transparent and detailed information about our performance and strategy


We work closely with property owners to ensure mutually beneficial relationships.


We foster fair and collaborative relationships with our suppliers

Communities and Non-Governamental Organisations (NGOs)

We actively contribute to society and the communities where we operate


We maintain open and transparent communication with the media

Public administration, associations, regulators and business partners

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