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  • 25 Feb 2022
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  • UK

Cellnex and BT strengthen their relationship with multi-decade partnership agreement

Barcelona-London, 25 February 2022.- Cellnex Telecom and BT plc have agreed to enhance their current MSSA (Master Site Services Agreement), due to end in 2030, with a multi-decade partnership agreement. As part of the deal, BT may choose to extend the MSSA  on an “all or nothing basis”  for further renewal periods, giving both parties long-term certainty and strengthening their relationship. The MSSA to be renewed is dated March 2020 that was signed by EE Ltd and Arqiva Services Ltd (now On Tower UK Ltd., part of Cellnex Group).

Cellnex CEO Tobias Martinez underlined how “This multi-decade agreement exemplifies the strength of Cellnex’s partnerships with its customers. Our growth project is predicated on being a pro-competitive actor for the industry. In addition to sharing our infrastructure portfolio with our customers, we also share our capabilities with them, thereby becoming a valuable partner to help them achieve their targets. At all times, we are aligned with our customers on the common goal of extending reliable and high performing telecommunication networks to serve their end customers. Also, to become integral to the successful roll-out of wireless connectivity throughout the UK to help the levelling up and digitalization of the whole country.”

“This agreement –continued Tobias Martinez—further strengthens our commitment to the UK market and provides long term visibility to both our industrial activity, as well as the financial flows linked to the latter”.

Howard Watson, CTO, BT, said: “This agreement provides long-term certainty, on enhanced terms, for a critical piece of EE’s infrastructure. We look forward to continuing our relationship with Cellnex as we invest across the UK, building on our leadership position in mobile networks, and driving the best customer experience of any UK operator.


Cellnex UK

Cellnex is Europe fastest-growing independent owner and operator of wireless telecoms infrastructure and is integral to the successful roll-out of 5G. With the wireless infrastructure foundation that we deliver across rural and urban areas, Cellnex UK connects everyone, everywhere. Our networks and solutions are built to be fit for now and the future so that the UK can prosper. We are a business built on commercial and technical innovation, ambition and sustainable growth. We offer customers the commitment to neutrality and the economic benefits of shared infrastructure.

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About Cellnex Telecom 

The efficient deployment of next-generation connectivity is essential to drive technological innovation and accelerate inclusive economic growth. Cellnex Telecom is an independent provider of neutral wireless telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructures, allowing operators to access Europe’s most extensive network of advanced telecommunications infrastructure on a shared-use basis, helping to reduce access barriers for new operators and improve services in the most remote areas.

Cellnex manages a portfolio of more than 130,000 sites – including deployments planned until 2030 – in Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Poland. Cellnex’s business is structured in four main areas: services for telecommunications infrastructures, audiovisual broadcasting networks, security and emergency network services, and solutions for the intelligent management of urban infrastructures and services (Smart cities and “Internet of Things” (IoT)).

The company is listed on the continuous market of the Spanish Stock Exchange and is part of the selective IBEX35 and EuroStoxx 100. It is also present in the main sustainability indices, such as CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), Sustainalytics, FTSE4Good, MSCI and Standard Ethics. Cellnex’s reference shareholders include GIC, Edizione, TCI, BlackRock, Canada Pension Plan, CriteriaCaixa, Wellington Management Group, Capital Group, Fidelity and Norges Bank.

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About BT 

BT Group is the UK’s leading telecommunications and network provider and a leading provider of global communications services and solutions, serving customers in 180 countries. Its principal activities in the UK include the provision of fixed voice, mobile, broadband and TV (including Sport) and a range of products and services over converged fixed and mobile networks to consumer, business and public sector customers. For its global customers, BT provides managed services, security and network and IT infrastructure services to support their operations all over the world. BT consists of four customer-facing units: Consumer, Enterprise, Global and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Openreach, which provides access network services to over 650 communications provider customers who sell phone, broadband and Ethernet services to homes and businesses across the UK.

For the year ended 31 March 2021, BT Group’s reported revenue was £21,331m with reported profit before taxation of £1,804m.

British Telecommunications plc is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BT Group plc and encompasses virtually all businesses and assets of the BT Group. BT Group plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange.

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