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  • 28 Oct 2024
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  • UK

My mobile data is on but not working: What is the solution?

If your mobile data is on, but you have no internet connection, the first step you should take is to check your device. If your mobile data is switched on, try activating your phone’s aeroplane mode, wait a moment and then deactivate it to reset your connection.

Resetting the connection may help but If it does not, turn your phone off and on. This may fix your mobile data issues.

In this article, Cellnex will dive into the common issues with mobile data, and provide solutions to improve mobile data coverage.


Why is my mobile data on but not working?

Poor network coverage can prevent your device from connecting to mobile data services.

In some areas, especially rural regions, network coverage may be weak or non-existent, affecting mobile data reliability.


Network Coverage

Poor network coverage can prevent your device from connecting to mobile data services.

In some areas, especially rural regions, network coverage may be weak or non-existent, affecting mobile data reliability.


Network Congestion

Network congestion occurs when too many users are accessing the network simultaneously, exceeding the network’s capacity and leading to slow data speeds or connection issues.

Ensuring that the network can withstand peak demand is key.


Outages and carrier related Issues

Outages and carrier related issues can significantly impact your mobile data connectivity.

These can be caused by planned maintenance, technical failures, natural disasters, or other unforeseen events. During an outage, you may experience no connectivity, dropped connections, or intermittent service.


Hardware & software problems

Sometimes hardware issues can cause mobile data issues. For example, a damaged SIM card can affect your mobile data connection. Ensure your SIM card is correctly inserted and in good condition.

Sometimes, software updates or glitches can also cause issues with mobile data connectivity. This can be resolved by restarting your device or updating your software.


The vital role of reliable mobile data

Whether in business or everyday life, the need for reliable mobile data plays a vital role.


Business Connectivity

For businesses, reliable mobile data is essential for operations, especially for those that rely on mobile apps, point-of-sale systems, and digital transactions. 

Mobile data helps businesses to provide seamless customer service, improve supply chain management, and enable remote work capabilities, driving productivity and efficiency.

Employees who are out in the field also need reliable mobile data connections when interacting with customers, potential clients or head office.


In-building solutions that improve mobile data connectivity

In-building solutions are essential for improving mobile data connectivity within buildings where signal strength is compromised due to architectural features, dense materials, or interference. 

Here are some key In-Building Solutions that Cellnex provide to enhance mobile data connectivity:


Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS)

DAS involves a network of radio units and discrete antennas connected to a master unit and fed with signals from the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)

This system amplifies and distributes mobile signals throughout large or complex buildings, ensuring consistent and reliable coverage. 

DAS is particularly effective in large venues like stadiums, airports, and hospitals.



For smaller buildings, a repeater system can extend mobile signals into a building. An externally located ‘donor’ antenna captures the signal from the nearest cell tower. The signal is then boosted and retransmitted within the building. 

Whilst a cost-effective solution, it provides no additional network capacity, so is best suited to smaller buildings or those with low footfall.


Neutral Host Solutions

A Neutral Host In-Building (NHIB) solution is a type of DAS system being introduced in the UK.

It is ideal for small and mid-sized buildings and provides mobile signal with dedicated additional capacity whilst minimising equipment space, power consumption, and deployment timelines.


Improving mobile data for the OWO and Raffles London

Located in the heart of Whitehall, the Old War Office is a Grade II* listed building that’s been meticulously restored and extended. Renamed The OWO, this landmark destination houses an iconic 120-bedroom Raffles Hotel, 85 luxury private residences, boutique shops, and more.

Cellnex worked hand in glove with the site’s construction teams to design and deliver the required connectivity infrastructure into the fabric of the building whilst the refurbishment programme progressed. By making its in-building infrastructure ‘invisible’ to the naked eye, Cellnex was able to ensure the visual integrity and aesthetic of the historic building was never compromised.

Read the full case study here.


How can Cellnex help to improve mobile data connectivity?

Cellnex offers bespoke In-Building Solutions that can help any business provide the mobile data coverage they require.

Eliminate slow internet and ensure seamless mobile data connectivity with the indoor coverage experts, Cellnex UK. 

Learn more about our In-Building Solutions today, or contact us for more information.

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