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Delivering ultra-fast connectivity

Our focus is on wireless mobility, but it’s our fibre networks that underpin all our solutions. They enable the transfer of huge volumes of data and support the deployment of the latest mobile technologies. 

An optical fibre is used to transmit information over long distances, with far less signal degradation than metallic cables or radio-based solutions. The data is transmitted as pulses of light which travel along a flexible, transparent fibre made of glass or plastic not much thicker than a human hair. Fibre optic cables are deployed which contain multiple fibre strands – sometimes many hundreds of fibres in a single cable. 

Even radio solutions require a fixed connection into the core network at some point, and fibre is the optimum method. It decouples future increases in capacity demand from rises in the cost of transmission: fibre costs remain the same no matter the bandwidth required. And it can handle backhaul, fronthaul, low latency, and C-RAN architecture, enabling 5G to flourish. 

Cellnex UK offers fibre as part of the Connected Location solution for clustered small cell deployments, and is introducing a ‘fibre-to-the-tower’ solution to provide added value to Site Share customers. 

Delivering ultra-fast connectivity Our focus is on wireless mobility, but it’s our fibre networks that underpin all our solutions. They enable the transfer of huge volumes of data and support the deployment of the latest mobile technologies.  An optical fibre is used to transmit information over long distances, with far less signal degradation than metallic cables or radio-based solutions. The data is transmitted as pulses of light which travel along a flexible, transparent fibre made of glass or plastic not much thicker than a human hair. Fibre optic cables are deployed which contain multiple fibre strands – sometimes many hundreds of fibres in a single cable. 

Even radio solutions require a fixed connection into the core network at some point, and fibre is the optimum method. It decouples future increases in capacity demand from rises in the cost of transmission: fibre costs remain the same no matter the bandwidth required. And it can handle backhaul, fronthaul, low latency, and C-RAN architecture, enabling 5G to flourish. 

Cellnex UK offers fibre as part of the Connected Location solution for clustered small cell deployments, and is introducing a ‘fibre-to-the-tower’ solution to provide added value to Site Share customers. 


Complete coverage in the largest car park group in Spain bringing connectivity to the most difficult places

Networking Operating Centers (NOC)

Cellnex services are backed up by real-time monitoring and management around the clock. Our Network Operations Centres(NOCs) enable proactive network management and fast response to incidents.

Effective incident management processes ensure appropriate escalation, timely resolution, and proactive communications with stakeholders throughout.

Site and network elements commonly monitored in our NOCs are:

  • Security
  • Energy: DC Rectifier, Electrical panels
  • Active equipment availability
  • Beacons
  • Fire detection

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