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5G GAIL – the project

Cellnex Italia and Cellnex Austria together with Autostrade per l’Italia, in collaboration with the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region and the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, have set themselves the goal of developing connectivity on highways by exploiting the potential offered by 5G technology.

The project takes shape on the motorway from Udine to the Austrian territory, across the border of Tarvisio, with a feasibility study aimed at identifying the works, the criticalities and the costs necessary in order to guarantee a coverage with technology 5G of the freeway axes comprised in the corridor of the trans-European nets of transport (Ten-T) Adriatic-Baltic.


It is  important to state that at the time of the call, Cellnex Italia, active in selling hospitality services to mobile and fixed wireless access operators, has not captured any interest by the latter regarding the upgrade of existing 3G and 4G coverage to 5G, since the area does not appear to be sufficiently attractive in terms of expected revenues generated by retail and wholesale customers.

The study will evaluate the installation of new telecommunications towers and the construction of Das (Distributed Antenna System) systems dedicated to ensuring signal coverage (data and voice) on the A23 Udine – Cross Border, also inside the tunnels and on the autobahn A2 State Border – Villach (Austria).

5G GAIL – the project Cellnex Italia and Cellnex Austria together with Autostrade per l’Italia, in collaboration with the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region and the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, have set themselves the goal of developing connectivity on highways by exploiting the potential offered by 5G technology. The project takes shape on the motorway from Udine to the Austrian territory, across the border of Tarvisio, with a feasibility study aimed at identifying the works, the criticalities and the costs necessary in order to guarantee a coverage with technology 5G of the freeway axes comprised in the corridor of the trans-European nets of transport (Ten-T) Adriatic-Baltic.


It is  important to state that at the time of the call, Cellnex Italia, active in selling hospitality services to mobile and fixed wireless access operators, has not captured any interest by the latter regarding the upgrade of existing 3G and 4G coverage to 5G, since the area does not appear to be sufficiently attractive in terms of expected revenues generated by retail and wholesale customers.

The study will evaluate the installation of new telecommunications towers and the construction of Das (Distributed Antenna System) systems dedicated to ensuring signal coverage (data and voice) on the A23 Udine – Cross Border, also inside the tunnels and on the autobahn A2 State Border – Villach (Austria).

Key Figures

Start point: UDINE (Italy) - End Point: VILLAC (Austria)
Project Coordinator: Cellnex Italia S.p.A.
Beneficiaries: Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A. and OnTower Austria GmbH
Associated Partner: The Regional Public Authority - Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia



(100 in Italy + 30 in Austria)


Municipalities involved:


(20 in Italy + 4 in Austria)



Aims of the project


Evaluating existing infrastructures serving the corridor for efficient sharing and reuse


Define needed upgrades, and new investments for the complete coverage of the corridor in line with the goal of the call


Mapping spectrum harmonization constraints


Identifying sustainable investments and economic business model


Evaluating the economic and technological efforts required to ensure a seamless redunded connectivity enabling full digitalization of the corridor in line with the existing standards

Project's structure



WP1 (Transversal throughout the study)















Cellnex Italy and Cellnex Austria together with Autostrade per l'Italia (ASPI), in collaboration with FVG Region and with the support of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), will contribute to the development of 5G infrastructure in Europe with a feasibility study aimed at guaranteeing coverage with 5G mobile technology on the A23 motorway section which from Udine crossesthe border continuing into Austrian territory.

Milan-Vienna, February 22nd, 2023

Cellnex Italy and Cellnex Austria, two companies of the Cellnex Telecom Group, together with Autostrade per l'Italia (ASPI), both industry leaders, in collaboration with Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (FVG) and the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT) will contribute to the development of 5G infrastructure in Europe with a feasibility study aimed at identifying the works, the criticalities and costs necessary to ensure coverage with 5G technology of the motorway axes included in the Adriatic-Baltic Trans-European Transport Network (Ten-T) corridor, focusing on the section that goes from Udine to Austria, across the Tarvisio border, for a total of over 100 km. The study will be 50% funded by the European Commission and will end in June 2023 after 6 months of work.

The main objective of this study, co-financed by the European Commission's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF2) Digital programme aimed at improving digital connectivity infrastructures, is to promote the rapid deployment and adoption of very high-speed networks, including 5G systems, within backbone transport infrastructures in all EU territories, to maximise the territorial cohesion of the Union. The study is part of the set of 6 projects that the European Commission awarded to Cellnex in December 2022 for the deployment of 5G infrastructure in cross-border transport corridors.

Cellnex Italia, the project leader, together with ASPI and Cellnex Austria, will study in cooperation with Friuli Venezia Giulia Region the necessary works to ensure 5G connectivity in the cross-border section, with 5G solutions open to all mobile phone operators. The study will evaluate the installation of new telecommunications towers and the construction of DAS (Distributed Antenna System) plants dedicated to ensuring signal coverage (data and voice) on the A23 Udine-State border, even inside the tunnels, and also on the autobahn A2 State border - Villach (Austria). The DAS systems consist of a network of mini antennas with minimal visual and electromagnetic impact and provide indoor coverage in special environments.

These solutions are, moreover, fundamental both for preparing the infrastructure for the mobility of the future and for guaranteeing ever greater safety for users. In fact, the project will also evaluate the integration of state-of-the-art technologies that will enable the implementation of Smart Roads and in particular the implementation of ITS Cooperative Networks (C-ROADS) V2X for the communication of traffic information to enabled vehicles. The intervention will also enable the monitoring of radio mobile systems for detecting Press Release the operational status of the call service, particularly inside tunnels, and will finally foster the development of technologies for autonomous driving.

"Broadening the adoption of digital technologies to make Europe more connected and competitive is a challenge that is part of our DNA," says Gianluca Landolina, Managing Director of Cellnex Italy, adding "We are proud to be able to contribute with this study to the European Union's effort to make infrastructures safer, resilient and sustainable thanks to the latest generation networks, including 5G systems".

Peter Haupt, Managing Director of Cellnex Austria, emphasises the relevance of the project as an essential prerequisite for future networked and automated mobility, which should benefit both citizens and the economy, and adds: "We are very pleased that we can contribute with our broad know-how to this transnational study and thus help shape the future -from mobility and road safety to economic development -in this region”.

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