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At Cellnex, our people are our most important asset, and Equity, diversity and inclusion are a reality in our organisation. It is in our DNA.

We are a growing company made up of diverse teams comprising a total of 55 nationalities in the 11 European countries where we have a presence.

Across Cellnex, we celebrate multiple identities, thoughts, ideas and perspectives. We are proud of our diversity and see it as a source of added value. We are creating a place where everyone feels welcome exactly as they are so that we can grow together.

Our culture

We have built a culture that fosters equity, diversity and inclusion to enhance the talent of our employees. We have worked to create an environment where everybody feels respected and supported, regardless of their differences, by celebrating our diversity, promoting equal opportunities and maintaining a strict zero-tolerance policy towards direct or indirect discrimination of any kind in the workplace.

✓ Promote equal opportunities and gender equality at all levels.

✓ Contribute to the incorporation and cohesion of different generations in the workplace.

✓ Ensure an inclusive environment for all employees, regardless of their sexual orientation or identity.

✓ Value, respect and harness cultural differences as a source of added value.

✓ Value the unique potential of people with different abilities and harness their talent.


Diversity Plan Facts

We actively promote equality at all levels, creating awareness within the team, identifying unconscious biases and enhancing female talent through specific development programs.

We connect different generations to build understanding between employees of different ages, combining their expertise and new ideas to grow together.

Cellnex is an inclusive and respectful space for all, regardless of sexual orientation. We promote activities to strengthen this sense of inclusion and take pride in the diversity of our people.

We integrate our employees’ cultural diversity and the richness of their different nationalities to establish a common ground where we can learn and grow together.

At Cellnex, we promote the inclusion of people with disabilities, creating an environment where every person can develop their own unique potential and talent.

We actively promote equality at all levels, creating awareness within the team, identifying unconscious biases and enhancing female talent through specific development programs.

We connect different generations to build understanding between employees of different ages, combining their expertise and new ideas to grow together.

Cellnex is an inclusive and respectful space for all, regardless of sexual orientation. We promote activities to strengthen this sense of inclusion and take pride in the diversity of our people.

We integrate our employees’ cultural diversity and the richness of their different nationalities to establish a common ground where we can learn and grow together.

At Cellnex, we promote the inclusion of people with disabilities, creating an environment where every person can develop their own unique potential and talent.

Diversity and inclusion mean feeling welcome in our differences, feeling safe and empowered to be ourselves.

How we make it a reality

  • Activities
  • Inclusive leadership
  • Women acceleration program
  • Proud to be proud
  • EDI Week
  • Inclusive leadership Program
  • Bias awareness workshops
  • Mentoring
  • Reverse mentoring
  • Emotional well-being
  • Coaching
  • Networking and more

We regularly hold workshops to raise bias awareness in each area of EDI and promote the active participation of all the employees at Cellnex. We provide the tools and spaces to put the company’s culture and shared values into practice.


Our aim is to provide a platform where everyone can develop their potential and improve their professional and personal skills. Here are some examples of the workshops we offer.

To strengthen Cellnex’s inclusive culture as one of our key values and elements for the success of our business, we have launched a global year-long INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM where members of the Global Steering Committee and managers across all Cellnex geographies take part.


This program is run to enhance the talent and engagement of all employees, creating an environment where everyone can feel supported and heard as a fundamental part of Cellnex, enabling them to be their best.

As part of our commitment to gender equality, we work to raise awareness across the Cellnex ecosystem, promoting this program to empower our female talent through activities and workshops that allow women to expand their personal and professional skills.


Workshops are led by expert consultants and include mentoring, coaching, networking and emotional well-being sessions as part of a holistic approach to personal development.

We celebrate our diversity and run campaigns to show our pride in the richness of our team, welcoming every individual, regardless of sexual orientation.

At Cellnex, we work globally to raise awareness about the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion with our EDI Week. Over the course of the week, we run different activities to show our commitment to creating the right environment and conditions for all employees so that they can reach their full potential.

Develop your potencial

Talent Factory Program

The Talent Factory program promotes our employees’ professional growth by providing a comprehensive offer of programmes that are aligned with our culture and values. Our aim is to provide permanent support and tools to all the employees to enable them to continually grow together.


This powerful programme consists of three factories, each dedicated to a specific theme:

Cultural Factory:

Develops our culture of inclusive leadership, smartworking methodology and ADP Women program.

Leadership Factory:

At Cellnex, we are all leaders. This factory aims to develop the skills to empower the leader within you.

Expertise Factory:

Created to teach specialist knowledge and to adapt to the new challenges of the tech business.

Your voice counts

EDI Connecting Circles

Your voice counts and is valued at Cellnex. We have created EDI Connecting Circles, an open space to connect employees where you can share, learn and educate on a specific topic related to diversity, inclusion and personal development.

Here, you have the opportunity to share experiences, suggest ideas, support colleagues and learn from the expertise of the other members. Because at Cellnex, we grow together.


  • Target Gender Equality
  • Women in Tech Summit
  • Technovation Girls
  • Quality analysis and Insights

Cellnex has joined Target Gender Equality, an accelerator programme for companies participating in the United Nations Global Compact to deepen implementation of the Women’s Empowerment Principles.


The objective is to strengthen our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goal which calls for women’s full participation and equal opportunities for leadership, including in business, by 2030.


As part of our social commitment, we promote and encourage STEM careers among young women outside the company. Cellnex participates in the Women in Tech Summit, sharing experiences and providing visibility for the opportunities for women’s roles in technology.


Cellnex joined Technovation Girls in 2021, an international technology and entrepreneurship contest that every year invites girls and teenagers between 10-18 years old to develop a mobile app as a technological solution to a social problem.


With this collaboration, Cellnex reinforces its social commitment by promoting the growth of women in the STEM field beyond the company itself, hoping to address the lack of female presence in the technological field at the grassroots level.


Cellnex measures, compares and evaluates its EDI progress using different index and tools to gain insights for constant improvement as we work to ensure that people are always at the centre of our corporate strategy.

As an example, Cellnex has signed the Innodiversity Index, an analysis and diagnostic tool that quantifies how companies manage diversity and innovation as part of their strategy in search of greater competitiveness and sustainability.