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In un’era in cui miliardi di oggetti possono essere integrati all’interno di una rete informativa, sono necessarie nuove soluzioni per consentire l’interazione.
Raccolta di dati eterogenei per offrire una visione olistica e una gestione integrata delle informazioni, facilitando il decision making in tempo reale.
Raccolta di dati eterogenei per offrire una visione olistica e una gestione integrata delle informazioni, facilitando il decision making in tempo reale.
Cellnex guarantee for site management. We operate a cellular data network in Spain & Portugal specifically dedicated to the Internet of Things (we support the deployment of services in peer networks in other countries).
We meet the four critical points required in an IoT solution: Low power + Long range + Low traffic + Low cost.
Based on collaborative cells design and random transmission frequencies.
SmartConnectivity , SmartBrain, SmartSolutions.
The transversal service offered by Cellnex optimises resources and efficiency in all management environments.
Cellnex guarantee for site management. We operate a cellular data network in Spain & Portugal specifically dedicated to the Internet of Things (we support the deployment of services in peer networks in other countries).
We meet the four critical points required in an IoT solution: Low power + Long range + Low traffic + Low cost.
Based on collaborative cells design and random transmission frequencies.
SmartConnectivity , SmartBrain, SmartSolutions.
The transversal service offered by Cellnex optimises resources and efficiency in all management environments.
For a venue to be smart it requires the deployment of many types of sensors and actuators, devices and controllers as well as the infrastructure to connect all this. The sensors deployed will collect different types of data based on the type of sensor: temperature or humidity sensors, counters, level sensors, status sensors, etc.
The collected information is then exchanged through an IoT network where all sensors are connected and can interact ones with each other’s thanks to an appropriate control and analytics’ central system.
A network expected to connect thousands or millions of objects, often spread in remote areas and in difficult locations, and devoted to transport small pieces of information but on a regular basis –when an event happens– have to be specific. The so called Low Power Wide Area networks (LPWA) have been deployed to that purpose.
Cellnex manages various types of LPWA networks. Acting as infrastructure provider for SIGFOX in Spain and Portugal, also in Switzerland in collaboration with Heliot and rolling out LORA networks for private networks in Spain and Italy, the United Kingdom and Ireland through an agreement with Everynet.
Once the sensors and network are in place, the true value generation relies on securely collecting and processing large amounts of data from different sources in real time, to make decisions. Cellnex SmartBrain platform provides real-time reliable information for decision-making, co-creation of solutions designed around people and things and is able to create tangible and measurable results.
All, with the objective to help optimizing our client’s day-to-day processes in combination with their existing systems and solutions.
Francina Alsina
_Presidente del Third Sector Board