Success Case
RESISTO (2018 – 2020)
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RESISTO is a European Union project H2020 that is part of the work programme: Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens in the Topic: Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of the combination of physical and cyber threats to the critical infrastructure of Europe in the communication infrastructure section.
RESISTO works on the premise that the combination of physical and cyber (real time) evaluation and management of operational tools improves the business and makes it possible to guarantee assets and optimise technical and human resources efficiently.
The telecommunications infrastructure is a large and complex system that combines cyber or network aspects and physical or equipment ones. In general, telecommunications operators have a good record in terms of security or cybersecurity: they take security and resilience very seriously and use state-of-the-art tools and coordinate their systems in security or monitoring operations centres (SOC). However, they are continually exposed to a variety of broad-spectrum attacks and threats and to the new challenges arising from technological advances.
RESISTO offers a platform for correlating all the information collected through all the layers of the communication stack, allowing early detection and thus effectively responding to attacks and natural disasters and therefore modelling its cascading effects on the communication infrastructure in near real time and selecting the countermeasures and the operational response related to technical, economic and social aspects in a timely manner.
Cellnex will coordinate Work package 9. Cellnex will also coordinate the following tasks. Plan of the pilot in task 9.1, Requirements and application of design in task 9.4 pilot.
Cellnex is Europe’s leading wireless telecommunications services and infrastructures company and is positioned as a neutral operator. Within the project, the company sees great opportunities for developing connectivity solutions in the infrastructure security management area. Cellnex designs, specifies and develops the connectivity in the critical infrastructure of the project to test new innovative solutions and improve existing ones. Within the project, Cellnex acts as an infrastructure and services provider expert in providing service for maritime safety, telecommunications emission systems and in the emergency and police areas. Finally, the project will provide new technical solutions to improve critical infrastructures in terms of prevention, detection, response and mitigation.
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