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  • 18 Jan 2018
  • ·
  • Sustainability

Deutsche Telekom certifies Cellnex as a “Zero Outage Supplier”

Cellnex Telecom has been approved by the german group in Spain for its quality standards for end-to-end management of the data transmission connectivity service

  • Through the “Zero Outage Supplier” programme, the Deutsche Telekom Group selects and certifies its key providers of connectivity services in each country to act as partners in improving the service to the end customer.
  • Cellnex provides connectivity services to T-Systems, the german group’s company operating in Spain, which has been responsible for performing the type-approval the certification process based on the criteria and quality levels set by Deutsche Telekom.

Barcelona, 18 January 2018.  The Deutsche Telekom Group has type-approved and certified Cellnex Telecom as a “Zero Outage Supplier” through Rainer Anton Offermann, Vice President of International Network Functions within the Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH unit, as part of its worldwide programme for selecting and certifying their key connectivity service providers in each country, to act jointly as partners in improving the service to their end customer.

This programme sets the german group’s quality standards for its customers based on the operational excellence, security and stability of the systems, monitoring of critical components and reduction / resolution of incidents with availability 24/7 by its key suppliers.

Cellnex Spain General Manager Albert Cuatrecasas greatly values this certification: “We believe that this approval as a Zero Outage Suppier by Deutsche Telecom is extremely significant, since its standards are very exacting and the prestige of this programme within the sector is very high”. He added “This is acknowledgement of a job well done by the company’s commercial, engineering, deployment and surveillance teams of the connectivity services (link and fibre)”.

Cellnex has been working for Deutsche Telekom in Spain since 2015, providing connectivity services to T-Systems. This company of the german group has been responsible for performing the type-approval and certification process on Cellnex based on the criteria and quality levels set by Deutsche Telekom.

The type-approval and certification process measures indicators linked to commercial service, compliance with the delivery dates of contracted services, continuity of service, and constant real-time information, scaling, response time and resolution of incidents, to name just a few. It should be underlined that, in accordance with Deutsche Telecom’s requirements, the information, management and resolution of serious incidents affecting service are reported in real time directly to Germany.

T-Systems monitored these indicators throughout 2017 along with the quality of the connectivity service and the level of continuity offered by Cellnex.

In this connection, and within this process, Cellnex has also incorporated improvements in incident management processes, developing new computer applications to make information available to the customer in real time and has provided training for the operators of its control centres.

With Cellnex, the Deutsche Telekom Group has 62 access providers certified as “Zero Outage Supplier” worldwide.

About Cellnex Telecom

Cellnex is Europe’s leading neutral operator of wireless telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructures with a total portfolio of more than 24,000 sites. The company is present and operates in 6 countries: Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

Cellnex’s business is structured in four major areas: telecommunications infrastructure services; audiovisual broadcasting networks, security and emergency service networks and solutions for smart urban infrastructure and services management (smart cities and the “Internet of Things” (IoT)).

Cellnex is listed on the continuous market of the Spanish Stock Exchange and is part of the selective IBEX 35 and EuroStoxx 600 indexes. It is also part of the FTSE4GOOD and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) sustainability indexes and has recently been included in the Standard Ethics index.

Media Contacts

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_Global Public Affairs Director

Ignacio Jiménez Soler

_Global Corporate Communications Director

Xavier Gispert Vinyals


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