- 07 Nov 2018
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- Technology
Cellnex Telecom recreates the connected and efficient city through integrated and adaptable IoT solutions
Smart City Expo & World Congress 2018
- The company is taking part for the eighth consecutive year in the Smart City Expo World Congress taking place in Barcelona from 13 to 15 November.
- Cellnex will present its latest connectivity and smart data management solutions to improve efficiency in resource management and quality of life in areas such as housing, mobility and security.
- At the Congress, Cellnex Telecom’s Global Commercial Director Óscar Pallarols will set out Cellnex’s vision and the advances made by the company in deploying infrastructures linked to 5G.
Barcelona, 7 November 2018. Cellnex Telecom will present its latest Smart and IoT innovations and proposals during the eighth Smart City Expo World Congress to be held in Barcelona from 13 to 15 November, an event that has become one of the main meet-ups for all the players involved in designing and developing smart cities.
The company has taken part in this event since its first edition back in 2011 and will focus its presentations on the importance of smart connectivity and the management of data from cities through Open Data platforms, which are key in smart cities. The data channelled through this type of platforms reach all sectors and constitute a genuine accelerator of innovation, facilitating early and preventive detection of problems to allow response actions and the coordination of possible solutions. Furthermore, they manage to connect all the players involved, helping the economy to work more dynamically.
An interactive wall to view the connected city
At the Cellnex stand, (Pavilion 2, No A154), visitors will be able to see at first hand various demonstrations of: smart resource management in social housing; urban services (energy, water flow, environment, waste, mobility); connectivity in high-demand areas (public transport, shopping centres or stadiums) and infrastructures (railway, maritime or airport). All this is achieved through an innovative “interactive wall” using ten cases to show many of the fields in which the company works in collaboration with the Public Administration and other private actors.
Smart Brain, the brain of the sustainable city
As regards smart data management, Cellnex will present its Smart Brain platform that improves management of cities by capturing the data provided by IoT (Internet of Things) sensors and other sources, and integrates transport of information through its connectivity infrastructure.
Smart Brain provides the administration with a holistic view of the city and its inhabitants, allowing top-to-bottom management of information and facilitates real-time decision-making around aspects such as traffic, parking, mobility, security or energy consumption, inter alia. In addition to being connected, the city of the future must be energy efficient and environmentally responsible.
Internet of Things, the backbone of Industry 4.0
Cellnex’s IoT network in Spain currently has more than 1.2 million connected devices. Deployed under Sigfox technology and covering 95% of national territory, it is well-positioned as the best connectivity option thanks to its high degree of efficiency and coverage and its low cost.
In terms of energy savings, logistics and resource management, to name just a few, companies can choose solutions such as tracking of assets (pallets, containers, machinery, etc.) – which streamline and provide efficiency to the supply chain -, remote reading of water meters, remote supervision of light consumption or recognition of consumption patterns. In these areas, Cellnex has developed a raft of proposals which are framed within the scope of the Internet of Things (IoT) and are providing companies with an additional competitive edge.
Secure and smart infrastructures through innovation
Cellnex is taking part in a series of projects to develop, implement and manage connectivity solutions in the urban environment. These include supervision and forecasting of incidents in infrastructures, fleets and vehicles, such as rail networks, roads, airports, ports and supplies (gas, electricity, water), with robust applications for communications in safety and emergency networks.
Tasks such as monitoring the status of the train track to optimize the planning of maintenance actions or minimizing aircraft stopover times using autonomous vehicles inside airports for collecting suitcases or passengers can be monitored using IoT solutions. These also make it possible to manage the correct operation of energy services or water supply infrastructures to avoid any irregularities that may negatively impact the quality of the service and to optimize the response time to anomalies.
The future of 5G connectivity
Cellnex Telecom’s Global Commercial Director Óscar Pallarols will take part, along with key international experts, in the work sessions and conferences held in parallel to the event. Specifically, Pallarols will speak on 13 November at 12.45 p.m. in the panel on 5G, under the title “The next level of connectivity for industries and society”, held in the Digital Transformation Room. There he will set out the company’s view of the changes taking place around 5G and will present the many innovative projects the company is leading around the Smart concept and the rolling out of infrastructures to facilitate implementation of this new communications standard.
About Cellnex Telecom
Cellnex Telecom is Europe’s leading operator of wireless telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructures with a total portfolio of 28,000 sites including forecast roll-outs up to 2020. Cellnex operates in Spain, Italy, Netherlands, France, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Cellnex’s business is structured in four major areas: telecommunications infrastructure services; audiovisual broadcasting networks, security and emergency service networks and solutions for smart urban infrastructure and services management (smart cities and the “Internet of Things” (IoT)).
The company is listed on the continuous market of the Spanish stock exchange and is part of the selective IBEX 35 and EuroStoxx 600 indices. It is also part of the FTSE4GOOD and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and “Standard Ethics” sustainability indexes.
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