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Typically, manufacturing takes place in an indoor confined area and is governed by very complex, very interwoven processes that are to be ‘just in time’ as well as cost effective. In all manufacture: the costs of an outage or even a delay are typically massive. Also, in manufacture typically very cost intensive equipment and machinery is being used. Thus, in manufacture extremely tight control over the processes and thus communication is required.
With modern standards, such as 5G, the most demanding connectivity requirements can be met, ranging from a very tight and critical round trip delay of a signal to high density of wireless sensors on process equipment. In the factory of the future, equipment can easily be located and rearranged as its connections are wireless hence irrespective of location.
Cellnex offers a competitive wireless network deployment to fulfil smart manufacturing needs along the digital transformation.
RC Celta improves connectivity at Abanca Balaídos stadium with Cellnex
Metro di Napoli - linea 1 connessione mobile 5G ready in 7 stazioni
Grattacielo Piemonte: Connessioni 5G assicurate grazie a Cellnex Italia
Aena and Cellnex bring 5G technology to San Sebastian airport
Airbus and Cellnex strengthen partnership for mission-critical communications
CRETA, an innovative project to promote sustainable mobility and reduce traffic emissions
Vapor IO expands its edge computing grid to Europe through a partnership with Cellnex
Real Betis and Cellnex join forces to revolutionise the stadium 'fan experience' via mobile
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