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Well-conditioned spaces to host IT systems, generally including redundant electricity and data connections, environmental controls and security systems.


Uninterrupted supply of energy, emergency power supply with enormous capacity, a high level of security, and extensive connectivity possibilities. Cellnex’ media sites have originally been built to always keep on working. With this, they offer the perfect building blocks for datacentres with the highest uptime levels.

Cellnex expertise on operating and managing tier 1 sites, within capillary networks on the territory makes us the right choice when looking for an Edge Datacentres solution.

Well-conditioned spaces to host IT systems, generally including redundant electricity and data connections, environmental controls and security systems.  

Uninterrupted supply of energy, emergency power supply with enormous capacity, a high level of security, and extensive connectivity possibilities. Cellnex’ media sites have originally been built to always keep on working. With this, they offer the perfect building blocks for datacentres with the highest uptime levels.

Cellnex expertise on operating and managing tier 1 sites, within capillary networks on the territory makes us the right choice when looking for an Edge Datacentres solution.

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The benefits

Data Centres housed in: (i) Cellnex’s own infrastructure or (ii) third-party infrastructure under transferred management. Space organised in racks. Modular floors and walls with pre-wiring for installations to improve isolation and energy efficiency.

Electrical infrastructure (connection, power management, UPS, electrical switchboards, wiring…) and electrical safety. With back-up systems and/or alternative electrical system to ensure power supply continuity.

Connectivity infrastructure/network and Internet access. Flexibility based on customer needs: point-to-point connection, IP network, etc.

Air-conditioning system to control the temperature in the Data Centre. Cellnex will use “free cooling” systems wherever possible, improving the Data Centre’s energy efficiency and thereby cutting costs.

Access control systems (i) to the Data Centre (ii) to a specific customer’s equipment (cameras, double doors, etc.) and fire protection systems. Specific access control procedure as the Data Centre is shared infrastructure.

Data Centres housed in: (i) Cellnex’s own infrastructure or (ii) third-party infrastructure under transferred management. Space organised in racks. Modular floors and walls with pre-wiring for installations to improve isolation and energy efficiency.

Electrical infrastructure (connection, power management, UPS, electrical switchboards, wiring…) and electrical safety. With back-up systems and/or alternative electrical system to ensure power supply continuity.

Connectivity infrastructure/network and Internet access. Flexibility based on customer needs: point-to-point connection, IP network, etc.

Air-conditioning system to control the temperature in the Data Centre. Cellnex will use “free cooling” systems wherever possible, improving the Data Centre’s energy efficiency and thereby cutting costs.

Access control systems (i) to the Data Centre (ii) to a specific customer’s equipment (cameras, double doors, etc.) and fire protection systems. Specific access control procedure as the Data Centre is shared infrastructure.

Dettaglio Prodotto


Cellnex concorda con ciascun cliente il livello di gestione dei cinque elementi, sulla base di configurazioni predefinite. L'accordo sul livello di servizio (SLA) si basa sul tier del Data Centre (Tier 1 - 4).

La gestione di Cellnex nel Data Centre garantirà i livelli di servizio (SLA) concordati con il cliente, assicurando:
(i) continuità del servizio,
(ii) sicurezza delle informazioni,
(iii) ottimizzazione dei costi (efficienza grazie a infrastrutture condivise ed efficienza energetica).



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