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The benefits of private networks address many concerns –from connectivity reliability and service quality to security and compliance.

Wireless connectivity provides employees with data and insight whilst on the move. Real-time insight into operational processes allows for the wireless control of moving objects, vehicles, and sensors.

For dealing with demanding critical business processes, We offer the option to establish a genuinely private network with all elements and control in your hands.

The benefits of private networks address many concerns –from connectivity reliability and service quality to security and compliance.

Wireless connectivity provides employees with data and insight whilst on the move. Real-time insight into operational processes allows for the wireless control of moving objects, vehicles, and sensors.

For dealing with demanding critical business processes, We offer the option to establish a genuinely private network with all elements and control in your hands.

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Digitalizing HaminaKotka Port with Private LTE

Port operator Steveco digitalized the Port of HaminaKotka for greater situational awareness, with the help of Edzcom and Nokia.

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Cellnex will bring 5G technology to the BASF's Tarragona production centre

The pilot project will involve the roll-out of the first private network of these characteristics in a chemical plant in Spain

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Connectivity for critical services at Helsinki Airport

With a private LTE network that EDZCOM, a Cellnex company, had deployed, Helsinki airport could extend the coverage and ensure reliable connectivity for its business critical operations. Edge Connectivity is a private wireless connectivity solution, connecting assets, equipment and people in the field. It is a tailored, fully autonomous private mobile network with a dedicated spectrum, 100% control and maximum security, enabling 24/7/365 continuity of business critical operations.

What if...

PRIVATE AND DEDICATED NETWORKS are resilient networks designed to cover the 100% of a specific area with a guaranteed availability even in critical situations and strict SLAs to meet the required levels of performance and reliability.
Critical operations can run uninterrupted? Down arrow

Critical operations can run uninterrupted?


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Assets and people are connected 24/7? Down arrow

Assets and people are connected 24/7?

The benefits of private networks resolve clients’ concerns – from reliability and service quality to security and compliance.

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The location of assets and people are always available? Down arrow

The location of assets and people are always available?

Enabling users & customers to integrate machines & people across a wide range of applications in diverse business critical domains

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The benefits

Decreasing maintenance actions due to the control and monitoring of equipment.

Guarantee the control of the service without interruptions.

Automating processes (IoT): device monitoring, tracking, status, smart manufacturing.

The privacy of the data is guaranteed 100% by not using commercial network.

Key performance indicators (KPI): capacity, coverage, latency…

Decreasing maintenance actions due to the control and monitoring of equipment.

Guarantee the control of the service without interruptions.

Automating processes (IoT): device monitoring, tracking, status, smart manufacturing.

The privacy of the data is guaranteed 100% by not using commercial network.

Key performance indicators (KPI): capacity, coverage, latency…



Il 5G è un cambiamento dirompente che consentirà a tecnologie come i big data e l'intelligenza artificiale di essere implementate con una potenza senza precedenti. Ecco perché BASF sta installando reti 5G che, in combinazione con il nostro supercomputer Curiosity, il più veloce nell'industria chimica mondiale, ci consentiranno di sviluppare soluzioni inimmaginabili fino a questo momento.

Carles Navarro





Questo progetto sarà un punto di svolta per il centro di produzione di Tarragona. Con il 5G faremo un balzo in avanti che ci consentirà di avanzare in modo esponenziale verso un nuovo modo di operare. Si tratta del primo progetto del suo genere nell'industria chimica.

Benjamin Hepfer



Map Mobile

Key figures



Mission critical and private networks (ports, refineries, airports, mining, automotive…)




Mission critical and private networks (location for critical systems and port trial project)




Mission critical and private networks (987 base stations, 20 repeaters, 65,372 terminals, 138 km of leaky feeder)

