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Cellnex’s telecommunications infrastructure in the Netherlands consists of more than 4000 antenna locations. In many cases we have a contract with the owner of the land or real estate where this antenna location is located. This owner is called landlord.

Among our landlords are many large real estate companies, provinces, municipalities, staatsbosbeheer, housing associations, owners’ associations, hotels, churches and private land owners.

Cellnex attaches great value to a long-term relationship with its landlords. We are known in the market as a solid, financially healthy organization.

We believe it is important to make clear and transparent agreements. The interest of the landlord always comes first. Our contract forms are so flexible that we can offer landlords the most favorable economic conditions.

Benefits for Landlords


Our very competent service desk is available every day to answer all your questions.

Financial solidity

We are an international, financially sound company that fulfills its obligations.


We enter into a long-term relationship with our landlords. Your income is therefore guaranteed for a long time.


Depending on your wishes and needs, we offer you a solution that is tailored to your individual situation.


The arrangements with regard to the access are established in the agreements that you entered into with Cellnex (Shere or Towerlink). Have any of the circumstances changed? Please, let us know.

The antenna masts of Cellnex are maintained frequently and checked for wear, gardening, safety, theft and vandalism. Is there a deviating or undesirable situation. Report to us.

Most of the stations are surrounded by a fence and are locked by use of a lock. If you find an open gate around the station or you witness suspicious conditions. Inform us as soon as possible.

For reasons of correspondence, communication and invoicing, Cellnex makes use of Cellnex site numbers. Using this site number we know exactly which antenna station is involved. Is the Cellnex site number not known? Then you can also use the site number of an operator. The site number of the operator, or of Shere or Towerlink is usually in the top corner of the basic agreement. The Shere or Towerlink site number is always stated on the sign that is attached to the fence or on the access gate at the location itself.

Flexibility and customisation are the basis for the long-term relationship we have with our landlords. Do you have an existing contract but you wish to know whether this is still the most favourable variant for you? Or would you like to sell the ground? Please, feel free to contact us. Our landlord relation manager will be happy to go through all the possibilities again, coordinated with you specific wishes and demands.

In order to process your invoice, we kindly request you to provide your invoice with the following information.

Please mention on the invoice:

  • Rental period
  • Invoice amount (specified if applicable)
  • Correctly indexed (see, direct calculation)
  • Cellnex, Shere, Towerlink or Cignal Infrastructure Netherlands (formerly T-Mobile Infra) site number or site number on agreement
  • Address of the station
  • Bank account number that the sum should be transferred to
  • Name, address details, phone number and email-address of the sender
  • If applicable, mention your registration number at the Chamber of Commerce
  • If applicable, mention the VAT-rate, the VAT amount and your VAT registration number
  • If applicable, please share separate invoices for energy and/or other expenses


Here you should state the owner of the mast. This could be: Shere Masten B.V. , Towerlink Netherlands B.V. or Cignal Infrastructure Netherlands B.V. (formerly T-Mobile Infra BV)

For the attention of:
Shere Masten B.V. or Towerlink Netherlands B.V. (see Naming)

Afdeling Huurfacturen

Papendorpseweg 75-79
3528 BJ Utrecht

or Cignal Infrastructure Netherlands B.V.

Waldorpstraat 80
2521 CD Den Haag

Please send via:

You can post the invoice to us or send it by email to :
Shere Masten B.V. or Towerlink Netherlands B.V. :
Cignal Infrastructure Netherlands B.V.:

Invoices will be paid 30 days after receipt.

Can I charge VAT?

Rental of immovable property is exempted from VAT by law. Therefore, you cannot charge VAT. An exception to this is when the contract parties opted for taxed letting of immovable property. In that case the lease should comply with the condition imposed by the tax authorities.

How does indexation take place?

On,nl, via the module direct calculation, you can enter the variables for the way of indexing. In the basic agreement the correct price index figure can be found and whether a monthly figure or an annual average is applicable.

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us


Landlord Management Department.

Available via:

Shere Masten B.V. or Towerlink Netherlands B.V: +31 88 205 4400 or by email
Cignal Infrastructure Netherlands B.V.: +3188 088 2895 or per email