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  • 03 Apr 2019
  • ·
  • Spanje

Cellnex Telecom signs up to the Diversity Charter initiative in Spain

  • The company’s move reinforces its commitment to a socially respectful working environment favouring equality, diversity and non-discrimination
  • A total of 924 organisations representing more than 500,000 employees are already part of the initiative in Spain


Madrid, 3 April 2019. Cellnex Telecom this morning signed up to the Diversity Charter, an initiative promoted by the Diversity Foundation to foster commitment to the fundamental principles of equality. This morning Anna Bufi, People and Organisation Manager at Cellnex Spain, attended the event formalising the incorporation of the telecommunications infrastructure operator, which was held at the European Commission headquarters in Madrid and attended by the Spanish Equality Ministry and the EU institution itself. This action reinforces Cellnex’s commitment to a socially respectful working environment favouring equality, diversity and non-discrimination.

The Diversity Charter emerged as a result of the directives adopted by the European Union in 2000 to promote equality and non-discrimination in all organisations, both public and private. It aims to improve economic competitiveness, comply with legal regulations and improve the quality of professional and social life of all people residing in the European Union. The initiative is currently in force in 23 countries.

The Diversity Foundation is responsible for developing and implementing it in Spain and currently involves 924 organisations representing more than 500,000 employees, including Abertis, Accenture, BBVA, CaixaBank, Cepsa and Coca Cola. This initiative sets out to foster inclusive practices, provide equal opportunities for career access, performance or promotion, and encourage the exchange of best practices among all social agents.

Anna Bufi, People and Organisation Manager at Cellnex Spain, underlined that “Cellnex’s decision to sign up to the Diversity Charter reinforces its own working style around Corporate Social Responsibility that the company has been following, in which ethical principles and responsibility towards people are key.” And she added that “in 2019 we have launched a Diversity & Inclusion initiative to foster diversity in its broadest sense (gender, functional, nationality, generational, etc.) to ensure fairness, equal opportunities, reconciliation, non-discrimination, and inclusive leadership as levers of change and business sustainability.”


About Cellnex Telecom

Cellnex Telecom is Europe’s leading operator of wireless telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructures with a total portfolio of 29,000 sites including forecast roll-outs up to 2027. Cellnex operates in Spain, Italy, Netherlands, France, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Cellnex’s business is structured in four major areas: telecommunication infrastructures services; audiovisual broadcasting networks; security and emergency service networks and solutions for smart urban infrastructure and services management (Smart cities and the Internet of Things (IoT)).

The company is listed on the continuous market of the Spanish stock exchange and is part of the selective IBEX 35 and EuroStoxx 600 indices. It is also part of the FTSE4GOOD and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and “Standard Ethics” sustainability indexes.

Cellnex’s reference shareholders include ConnecT, with a 29.9% stake in the share capital, as well as Threadneedle Asset Management, CriteriaCaixa and Blackrock, holding smaller stakes.

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