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Evenementenlocaties zoals sportstadions, concertzalen en tentoonstellingsruimtes, ontvangen gelijktijdig veel bezoekers die er slechts een relatief korte tijd blijven. .

Bezoekers gaan er van uit dat ze hun mobiele telefoon kunnen gebruiken, bijvoorbeeld om bepaalde momenten van hun bezoek te streamen of afgeschermde uitzendingen te volgen als onderdeel van de ervaring. Om hun bezoekers de ervaring van hun leven te geven, moeten evenementenlocaties zorgen voor state-of-the-art connectiviteit via alle mobiele netwerken, Wi-Fi- en glasvezelverbindingen. IoT en sensoren houden het geheel naadloos in de gaten en maken de locatie echt smart.

Wij bieden IoT-connectiviteit via 5G en privénetwerken en verbeteren daarmee de draadloze connectiviteit en communicatie. Maak van uw sportlocatie een heus Smart Stadion.

5G ecosystem in high-demand areas

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DAS: A new smart connectivity system for stadiums and crowds places

The DAS system is distributed through very low power antennas wich when connected to operators’ BTS via a remote optical system provides mobile and multi-system coverage to multiple operators in the environment particularly in areas where there are large crowds such as at football stadiums precisely where huge levels of data traffic is required.

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Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona connected by Cellnex

Cellnex Telecom “connects” the Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona. To deploy a fully operating 5G ecosystem in high-demand areas, crowded or difficult-to-reach places, Cellnex uses densification of networks through Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) and SmallCells. It ensures better capacity and coverage and seamless connectivity

“We want events at the Wanda Metropolitano to guarantee great connectivity. The high quality connection achieved with the Cellnex DAS project has been key to achieving this. We want our fans to be able to share their feeling inside the stadium, the passion they feel, directly to fans outside, to their family and friends. To enjoy upload and download speeds on their devices would be hard to achieve in a football stadium with 68,000 spectators. We want them to enjoy and share their experiences on their devices anywhere in the world.”

Rene Abril

_CTO Club Atletico de Madrid


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