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Cellnex is one of the leading operator of broadcasting infrastructures in Europe. In our high tower sites we host main TV and radio broadcasters and from there we transmit the TV and radio signals to all households and users.

Data Center & Edge computing

Ongehinderde levering van energie, noodstroomvoorzieningen met een enorme capaciteit, een hoog beveiligingsniveau én uitgebreide mogelijkheden op het gebied van connectiviteit. De locaties van Cellnex zijn gebouwd om altijd te blijven werken. Ze bieden de perfecte bouwstenen voor datacenters met de hoogste uptime-levels.

Telecom Infrastructure services

Wij zijn Europa’s grootste aanbieder van draadloze telecommunicatie.

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5G is a disruptive change that will allow technologies like big data and artificial intelligence to be rolled out with unprecedented power. That's why BASF is installing 5G networks which in combination with our Curiosity supercomputer, the fastest in the worldwide chemical industry, will allow us to develop solutions unimaginable up until this point.

Carles Navarro





This project will be a turning point for the Tarragona production Centre. With 5G, we´ll be taking a leap forward that will allow us to advance exponentially towards a new way of operating. This is the first project of its kind in the chemical industry.

Benjamin Hepfer



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