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Onze samenleving, onze industrieën en de manier waarop mensen en dingen met elkaar omgaan, ondergaan een enorme verschuiving naar digitaal.

Cellnex biedt communicatieoplossingen waarbij connectiviteit de sleutelrol speelt in de digitale transformatie van ons leven, werk en vermaak. Aangedreven door Broadcast Partners (a company of Cellnex).

What we do?

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Radio Stations

We make radio happen, and that’s exactly what we do. When you think of radio, you think of Broadcast Partners! As a radio station, you need a transmitter or broadcast network to broadcast programs (FM, DAB+). Building broadcast networks is our expertise. You’ve come to the right place for studio equipment and accessories.

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We are market leaders in broadcast network management, constantly innovating in technologies. With transmitter parks spread across the Netherlands and Belgium, we strive for top performance. Our monitoring system, ‘Site Console’, closely monitors the operation of all our transmission installations, ensuring constant optimal performance.

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Radio Development

Standing still is not in our vocabulary. Our dedicated team of engineers and developers works daily for the growth and development of the radio world. Innovation is our driving force and tops our list. From designing frequency plans to implementing radio automation, we are always progressive and stay on top of the latest trends in the industry.

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Networking Operating Centers (NOC)

Cellnex heeft een real-time monitoring systeem dat pro-actief netwerkbeheer bevordert en een snelle reactie op de netwerkincidenten mogelijk maakt. Alarmen en incidenten in de door ons geleverde diensten worden gemonitord vanuit onze Network Operating Centers (NOC), die 24/7 beschikbaar zijn.

Een proactief communicatieproces met escalatieniveaus is ingesteld om klanten te informeren. Vastgestelde alarmen worden in real-time bewaakt en informeren over recente en/of actieve storingen in een dienst of op een site. Alarmen kunnen ook worden gefilterd op beschrijving, status, ernst of duur.

Elementen die vaak worden bewaakt in onze sites zijn:

  • Beveiliging
  • Energie: Gelijkrichter, Elektrische panelen
  • Beschikbaarheid van actieve apparatuur
  • Signaal technologie
  • Branddetectie


When it comes to frequency planning, we are daily engaged in the latest developments. Our team conducts daily research to implement optimizations. At Broadcast Partners, we initiate coverage studies to determine and ultimately enhance the transmission range of a transmitter. We also search for new frequencies, a unique daily activity within Broadcast Partners, to optimize the transmission range of our customers.

Moreover, the industry deals with transmitter licenses and regulations. Any changes in transmitter licenses and regulations are closely monitored. We also have the responsibility to prevent any infringement on the customer’s frequency package when existing frequency rights are at stake.

Geïnteresseerd in wat we voor u kunnen doen?


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Ab Egberink

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