Success Case
5G-ON (2017-2019)
Latest Innovations
The mobile communications industry is facing one of its greatest challenges – that of providing an optimal response to the growing forecast massive demand for mobile data in the coming years. To meet this challenge, one of the main innovations proposed by the industry is to reduce the size of the cells that make up mobile networks, rolling out a dense layer of “Small Cells”. However, much is still unknown about what business models and technologies are needed to make the mass roll-out of Small Cells viable, both technologically and economically.
To address this challenge, the 5G-ON project proposes the figure of the Small Cells neutral operator, responsible for rolling out and managing the network of Small Cells to make them available to conventional mobile operators, based on innovative business models, such as those offered by radio capacity “as a Service”. The 5G-ON project will therefore investigate the business models needed to make the value proposition of a Small Cells neutral operator viable and attractive, and will further develop the technology required for performing these business models, including innovations in both network equipment (the Small Cells) and management systems.
The 5G-ON project is led by TRADIA, (Cellnex Group), which will perform it jointly with NOKIA, thereby covering one of the main elements of the value chain and providing the experience required to successfully carry out the project, both on a technological and a network operation and business development level.
The 5G-ON project is co-financed by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the ERDF Operational Programme for Catalonia 2014-2020, with file number RD16-1-0043.
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