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Information about the event

There’s a 5G-inspired revolution taking place. The explosion of digital solutions, mobile devices and IoT endpoints are transforming industries and changing the face of communications. While fibre is fast, it isn’t very flexible. And despite WIFI working for some static use cases, it’s prone to problems and costly to scale.

Dedicated 5G private wireless networks are different. Built for mobility and always-on operation, these ultra-secure, robust networks are opening up a host of real-time data opportunities.

Join Cellnex and Nokia as we explore Cutting the Connectivity Cord, the business case for wireless 5G private wireless networks.

Topics Covered:
  • An introduction to 4G & 5G private wireless networks
  • The industry 4.0 and digital trends driving rapid adoption
  • Business benefits and use cases in manufacturing, heavy industries and education


  • 01/08/2024

Results Presentation Q2 2024*

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