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  • 26 Apr 2023
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The Board appoints Jonathan Amouyal and María Teresa Ballester as new directors of Cellnex

Barcelona, 26 April 2023. At its meeting, held today, Cellnex Telecom’s Board of Directors agreed to appoint by co-optation Jonathan Amouyal and María Teresa Ballester as new company directors.

Jonathan Amouyal is a proprietary director representing TCI –the company’s top shareholder with 9.38% of the capital–, and María Teresa Ballester is an independent director. This fills the two vacancies on the Board of Directors following the resignation of Bertrand Kan and Peter Shore on 4 April.

Jonathan Amouyal is a partner at The Children’s Investment Fund (TCI). He is a specialist in infrastructure, technology, media, aerospace and consumer products, and has extensive experience in the field of digital infrastructure and telecommunications.

He began his professional career in M&A at Bank of America in London and New York. He then worked at Goldman Sachs Investment Partners from 2008 to 2012, where he rose to Executive Director. It was there where, in addition to working for both private and listed companies, he started out in the world of investment in digital infrastructures in general and the telecommunications towers sector in particular.

Since 2012, he has been a partner at TCI, where he has led some of the fund’s large investments in infrastructure, digital infrastructure, telecommunications and consumption in both the United States and Europe.

Jonathan Amouyal holds a Master in Financial Engineering with Honors from EM Lyon Business School and graduated with Honors in Economics and Accounting from University Lyon II.

Maria Teresa Ballester is a founding partner of Nexxus Iberia, an investment fund management company that partners with companies to  consolidate and accelerate the growth in their businesses.  She has developed extensive experience in the private equity sector at an international level, leading investment operations and attracting institutional investors.

She is an independent director of Prisa, S.A., chair of its Sustainability Committee and member of its Audit and Risk Committee. Member of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee of Solutex (Omega 3). She is a member of the International Women’s Forum and the Board of Trustees of the Junior Achievement Foundation.

She has been CEO of 3i in Spain, an independent director of Repsol, S.A. and Grupo Lar, director of venture capital holding companies, senior advisor at EY Deals and AON Spain and President of ASCRI (Spanish Association of Venture Capital) and Level 20 Spanish Chapter (a European non-profit for the promotion of women in Venture Capital in Europe). She previously worked for GTE Corporation (Verizon) as a financial executive and for Booz Allen Hamilton as a strategic consultant in Mexico, UK, Spain and Portugal.

María Teresa Ballester Fornés holds an MBA from Columbia University in New York City and graduated Cum Laude in Finance and Political Science from Boston College.

The ratification of the appointment and re-election of Jonathan Amouyal, as a proprietary director, and María Teresa Ballester, as independent director, will be submitted to the company’s forthcoming General Shareholders’ Meeting.


About Cellnex Telecom 

The efficient deployment of next-generation connectivity is essential to drive technological innovation and accelerate inclusive economic growth. Cellnex is the independent wireless telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructures operator that enables operators to access Europe’s most extensive network of advanced telecommunications infrastructures on a shared-use basis, helping to reduce access barriers for new operators and to improve services in the most remote areas.

Cellnex manages a portfolio of around 135,000 sites —including forecast roll-outs up to 2030– in Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Poland. Cellnex’s business is structured in four major areas: telecommunications infrastructure services; audiovisual broadcasting networks, security and emergency service networks and solutions for smart urban infrastructure and services management (Smart cities and the “Internet of Things” (IoT)).

The company is listed on the continuous market of the Spanish stock exchange and is part of the selective IBEX 35 and EuroStoxx 100 indices. It is also present in the main sustainability indexes, such as CDP, Sustainalytics, FTSE4Good and MSCI. Cellnex’s reference shareholders include TCI, Edizione, GIC, JP Morgan, CPP Investments, Blackrock, CK Hutchison, CriteriaCaixa and Norges Bank.

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