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Óscar Fanjul Martín
Nationality: Spain and Chile.
Education: Degree in Economics.
Experience: He began his professional career at the Spanish INI and also worked at the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks. During 1983 and 1984, he served as technical secretary general and under secretary of the Ministry of lndustry and Energy. He was the founding Chair and CEO of Repsol and he has also been Chair of Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico.
He has been Vice Chair of Holcim and Lafarge, member of the Board of Directors of the London Stock Exchange, Unilever, Acerinox, BBVA, Areva and Vice Chair of Omega Capital. He has been a member of the Competitiveness Advisory Group to the president of the European Commission and Trustee of the lnternational Financial Reporting Standard.
Other current positions: Vice Chair of Ferrovial, director of Marsh & McLennan Companies and non-executive Chair of HWK Techinvest.
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