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Christian Coco
Nationality: Italy and Germany.
Education: Degree in Engineering from Milan Polytechnic and a post graduate degree in Utility Companies from MIP Milan (Politecnico’s Business School).
Experience: He began his professional career in strategic planning in the energy sector and in 2002 he joined Mediobanca in the acquisition finance department. Between 2007 and 2011, he worked at private equity firms that focused particularly on investments in infrastructure in Europe. Subsequently, and until joining the Edizione Group in 2015, he was head of Planning, Control and M&A of the CIR Group of the De Benedetti family.
Other current positions: Director of Mundys, Telepass, Benetton S.R.L. and Chief Investment Officer at Edizione S.p.A.
Membership of Board Committees: Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee and Capital Allocation Committee.
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