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Connectivity Solutions
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Inicio | Technology | Fibre
Fibre optic ensures unlimited capacity and response to market needs and growth plans
Connectivity is the ability to connect and communicate people or objects through networks, using a physical medium, either wired or wireless, transporting data between one point and another.
Nowadays, wired and wireless connectivity can complement each other on price and performance. Increasingly, wireless standards are deployed for connectivity; ranging from Wi-Fi and mobile standards to microwave links with point-to-point capabilities of high data rates. In the wired domain fibre becomes the most powerful connectivity form.
Connectivity is the ability to connect and communicate people or objects through networks, using a physical medium, either wired or wireless, transporting data between one point and another.
Nowadays, wired and wireless connectivity can complement each other on price and performance. Increasingly, wireless standards are deployed for connectivity; ranging from Wi-Fi and mobile standards to microwave links with point-to-point capabilities of high data rates. In the wired domain fibre becomes the most powerful connectivity form.
Cellnex is neutral, transparent and offers a standardised product and thus enables access for all.
Fiber optic ensures unlimited capacity and response to market needs and growth plans.
Designed to suit client current and future needs. Topology can include improved redundancies, allowing high availability.
Network deployed with new trenching infrastructure that ensures a higher security index against air infrastructures, and built with new materials and according to the latest standards of optical fiber deployment.
Cables can be monitored with guard fibers to secure the cable against external manipulation and to integrate the physical network into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allowing asset control.
Cellnex is neutral, transparent and offers a standardised product and thus enables access for all.
Fiber optic ensures unlimited capacity and response to market needs and growth plans.
Designed to suit client current and future needs. Topology can include improved redundancies, allowing high availability.
Network deployed with new trenching infrastructure that ensures a higher security index against air infrastructures, and built with new materials and according to the latest standards of optical fiber deployment.
Cables can be monitored with guard fibers to secure the cable against external manipulation and to integrate the physical network into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allowing asset control.
RC Celta improves connectivity at Abanca Balaídos stadium with Cellnex
Cellnex will provide connectivity in two tunnels on the FGC Lleida - La Pobla railway line
USP and Cellnex sign an agreement to deploy 5G antennas in press kiosks
5GMED Project Accelerates 5G Deployment and Connectivity in the Mediterranean Corridor
Airbus and Cellnex strengthen partnership for mission-critical communications
CRETA, an innovative project to promote sustainable mobility and reduce traffic emissions
The 5G Catalonia project receives the GSMA Foundry Excellence Award
Cellnex and Dublin City University (DCU) partner on Ireland’s first 5G enabled ‘Smart Campus’
Cellnex certified for sixth consecutive year as “Zero Outage Supplier”
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